29 January, 2010

Time gets away

It doesn't seem like days since I visited here. Having a public holiday for Australia Day threw me out of routine, as does any holiday, not on a weekend.
It has been up to 38 degrees here this week, and on Australia Day Steve and I had an hour or so in the spa, cooling off. There is no pin-up boy in this photo LOL

This little duck came with the spa and is affectionately called "Quacker"
Steve reckons he looks in better nick than him LOL

Yesterday we had a pretty nasty looking storm, but no damage, just wind and 11 mm of rain. You can see by the date palm near the centre of the photo, what the wind was like. So while this was threatening to cause electrical problems, I turned off the computer and watched The Thorn Birds on TV, instead. The electrical storm was around for hours, and the movie was over 8 hours long, so it worked out well, in the end, and a little bit of rain, too, to green up the grass and weeds again.

I was lucky enough to get this set of DVDs off my girlfriend, Marilyn. She is always on the look out for DVDs for herself, and knew I wanted to see this story again, so she bought them for me. Now I have seen these, I guess it will be back to sorting and throwing stuff out, again, tomorrow. It was a bit cooler today, so hopefully it will be even cooler tomorrow, and will be good for sorting stuff. Hopefully there will be something more to add here, tomorrow, as my P365 layout just needs one more photo for the month, and I'll show it here, too.
Next week is the start of all the new Challenges over at Nuts4Digi, and a little birdy told me they have a birthday coming up very soon, too ;)  The same day Candy and Peggy 's birth day was, actually. :)

Till next time, keep scrappin'

Deb. :)


  1. Love that wild looking sky! Nice too, to take time out from the computer & enjoy this great DVD series :)

  2. That duck looks cute floating in the spa.
    Great blog Deb... keep it up.
