29 April, 2010

A New Kit from Di - Wistful

Di's new kit “Wistful” is hot off the proverbial press! It’s on sale at 25% discount until Friday the 30th of April. That’s just $3.00 for 10 papers and 15 unique elements.
Whatever it is you dream about and have not yet achieved, use this kit to visualise your dream.

Here are my Layouts using Di's Kit -

10 textured and gently patterned papers
1 bead 
2 flowers 
2 frames 
2 leaves 
2 sprays 
3 strings 
1 swirl 
1 tag 
1 wrap

As Blogger is being temperamental, I will say Cheers, here. Deb :)


28 April, 2010

Another Club Nut Kit layout

This kit is called Something Subtle, and from Nikki, of Just Passin Thru. The template I used is also available in the $5.50 for a month of downloads - as many as you want to download. 
Off to find what else is in there ;)
See you again, soon.

Cheers, Deb. :)

Nuts4Digi Club Nut additions

Did you know for the price of one kit $5.50 you get one months access to an amazing storehouse of digi-scrapping goodies. 
Content gets added regularly and there is a huge supply of mini kits, full kits, QPs, paper pack, alpha and element packs to be had…. as much as you can download in a month.
Here are two new items that have added exclusively to Club Nut:
Click here and follow the links for more information on your very own Club Nut subscription.

Here is one example layout made with Gelato
More to follow as I create them, over the next couple of weeks :)

Have since found out the tree above is a Koelreuteria Paniculata, or 

Golden Rain Tree.

Till then,
Cheers, Deb :)

26 April, 2010

It was a bit flowery today

Yes, it's been a while, but life sort of got busy, running around to hospitals and visiting, then catching up with stuff, from not being here ... but here is something I did do. I went to visit Mum and Dad's today, and Mum had all these flowers all blooming, so I snapped a few of them. You can see lots of them have long grass near the flowers - that's from all the rain, and Mum hasn't been able to get into the garden, to weed.

So, here we are, for your viewing pleasure. Mostly Chrysanthemums, or Mother's Day flowers, I call them :)

A Rosella flower and fruit
 Roses & Chrysanthemum

Just for Anne-Marie ... :)

So ... lots of different flowers, and weeds, too :)

I have some more photos to share with you about our weekend, so hopefully I can get that here soon :)
Bye for now, happy scrappin' !

Deb :)

12 April, 2010

Not the way to start the day

Usually, if my day starts with a phone call, it means the rest of the day goes downhill from there. This morning was one of those times. Dad rang me at 7.40am to say Mum was not well. She hadn't got out of bed to watch "Sunrise" so she MUST be sick ! LOL  She has had a cold the last week, and probably getting run down, because she doesn't recover from these things herself, having a weakened immune system.

Mum has spent many 'visits' in the local hospital from the same thing, but after her stint in the ER last Christmas, they were now asking questions concerning her heart, which she passed the Stress Test for, and pretty well given the all clear.

So when on the phone with Dad, I suggested he ring the ambulance, because if you front up to the hospital any other way, but by Ambulance, you may as well just stay at home ...

About 2 minutes later, the ambulance roars past with sirens blaring ... (sometimes I wish I didn't live so close to the hospital) Oh, no, I didn't think she was THAT bad !!! Last time this happened she actually died, and was revived on the way to the hosptal .... so I left the washing machine going, luckily I was decently dressed, having just said my goodbyes to Steve for a few days, so hopped in the car and took off to Mum's and Dad's place. This is not what you want to see outside your parents house, too often.

This is when they just got her strapped in and ready to go. I found out hours later it was not her ambulance that had the sirens going, it was another lady I know, who was opposite Mum in the ICU, and she is off to Brisbane for heart evaluation tests tonight.
Usually Mum gets some IV Steroids, and gets well enough to come home, in about 3 - 4 days, so hopefully this visit will be the same, and the week will end well.

Dad and Mum, now, have both had a scare with their health the last week, so hopefully that will be the last for a long while.

The moral of the story ... don't take your health for granted, and stay happy !

Till next time,
Cheers, Deb :)

10 April, 2010

April Challenges done :)

 OK, another month of challenges, all done :) Here they are:

All About Me

Inspired by the Arts
 Sketch 1
 Sketch 2

See, they are not hard, so come along and play, too :)
Till next time, Happy Scrapping !
I'm off to the N4D Chat ! :)


A Silver Celebration from Di

Silver Celebration is the perfect kit for scrapping celebrations and joyful events. Filled with lots of glitz and old fashioned glamour in blue, silver, grey, pink and maroon.
Available exclusively at DSO for $4.20 (30% discount) until Monday the 12th of April.
15 patterned and plain papers
1 Full alpha
4 Stacked papers
42 Elements: 2 beads, 1 bow, 1 clip, 6 flowers, 3 frames, 1 lace, 3 leaves, 5 ornaments, 1 pearl string, 4 ribbons, 4 spills, 3 strings, 1 star dangle, 2 swirls, 1 tag, 2 flowery twigs, 2 ribbon wraps.
100% Detail views
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These are a couple of layouts I created with this lovely versatile kit.

 L4L_SC_3_ShaneEng-web L4L_SC_1_Shane-web

This is what her newsletter subscribers are getting on Sunday.
You can still get it here.

Have fun scrapping, and a wonderful weekend !

Cheers, Deb :)