11 February, 2010

What an 'interesting' day

Today started off in the usual way on Thursday. Up and ready to get out the door and in the door at Aldi at 8.30am, if there is something you really want :) I wanted to get a 4GB SD card, that will hold lots of photos and / or video, because they were only $13. That achieved, and a browse over the other goodies on special purchase this week, and we got the carrots, milk and bread we went for, and off we went back home. One of the special buys was a massager for the car or office chair, and I decided it was cheaper than a chiropractor's visit, so got one of them, too. The reason for this will become known shortly, after the weekend.

Then I decided I'd do the Animal Kingdom challenge over at DSO. The only requirement was to use the little dove on the page, somewhere. I knew I had a great photo of Candy and Peggy "chatting up" a budgie that my sister Shirl had in a cage, so all I had to do was find that, and I was set to go. The layout I did is above.

That went smoothly, so I also did the Scraplift challenge that Di @ Legacy4Life hosts. I like the way it turned out, using Di's kit, due for release very soon ;)
It's called Shades of Love.

The day was progressing well, until it was time for tea. Well 'someone' forgot the potatoes this morning, in their haste to get the "essentials" of life. We decided the quickest way out of it was to go to the chicken shop nearby (Brodies) and get a Chicken Dinner, and that will be tonight and tomorrow's tea, because we have the chat tomorrow night, at Nuts4Digi, and that will be something quick to prepare and clean up afterwards, and then Chat.

OK, problem solved .... until Steve got a plate out of the cupboard, to put the chicken bones in, and saw a cockroach running around .... Out came the spray, the fly swat, and a lot of crashing and banging ... I was on the other side of this and looking at my tea ... yes, I picked a few carrots and ate them, and coersed him to come and eat, while it is hot, and look for his 'pet' later.  When I go back out in the kitchen, EVERY cup, plate, desert bowl, glass and soup cups, had been taken out of the cupboards, and WE were going to wash and dry them, and put them back. Mmmmm ... that is NOT what I had in mind after tea LOL  I am just glad it was tonight, and not tomorrow night, or it would have been 6.30pm (Qld time) before I got to the chat !

Also I did the Colour Challenge demo layout for March, for Nuts4Digi . Now did you think you were getting a preview of that too ? LOL  I'll give you a clue - it's a single colour again :-)

Off to find a layout for the March Scraplift challenge now ...

So, have fun scrapping and stay happy !

Oh, I am still studying those maps ....   ;) ;)



  1. Sometimes your day can just go from good to bad in the blink of an eye — one little "critter" has a way of sending us into a frenzy of cleaning, scrubbing & disinfecting — we've recently had to deal with a plague of ants . . .

  2. What a day. I hope that is the last of the little critters in your kitchen
