01 February, 2010

It's been a smashing month !!

January hasn't been a good month for the cars in our families. Steve's parents were involved in an accident that saw their car get bashed in the back end by a speeding driver, which spun their car around 180 degrees and land on a railway crossing, causing the trains from both directions to be quickly alerted and stopped, until the crossing was cleared.
Yesterday Kay rang to say she, Kathy, Emily and Michaela had been involved in an accident in Brisbane. They were sandwiched between two cars, after all three hit a patch of oil on the downhill slope of a hill, coming up to a set of traffic lights. The first one stopped, Kay was stopped and slightly to the left of the road, but then got shunted by a car from behind and hit the car in front, locking onto the tow ball, which was reluctant to let go !

After a bit of persuasion, this was the result.

The back of her car didn't get too damaged ...

... but the same can't be said for the car that was following ...

All in all, no one was seriously hurt, but an expensive way to do your washing at the laundromat, because the washing machine, still under warranty, won't start !!!
The repair man came TODAY and fixed the washing machine !!! 

I'll be back later, with the challenges from Nuts4Digi, and some news from Di @ Legacy4Life, too, to share with you.

Till later,

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