21 July, 2010

Interesting sights this week ...

It has been a strange week this week. A lot of activity in the  street. The annual local Council Land Rates are due to be issued any day now. What services have we got this year for our contribution to the Shire ?

For at least 20 years we have been asking for kerb and guttering, so we can plumb our overflow water into the street, so when we get storms, it doesn't bank up and over the front steps ! They have been promising, all that time, it is in the next Budget.

We have had two amalgamations since then, and every time we have another one, our priority goes further down the list ! You get my point ?

We have actually got a service this year, that we didn't directly pay for - like the wheelie bin service, (recycle and general rubbish) the water pipe going past the front door, and the sewerage and fire levy. That sort of thing we pay for and usually GET. This year we GOT an extra piece of bitumen!

A pipe that was leaking underground needed to be repaired ...

And there is our nice new patch of bitumen ! And that wasn't all we got !!!

We got the road sweeper truck ! This is usually just before an election of Councillors, so we've done extra well this year ! LOL

Now onto something much prettier - the sky a few days ago.

And something mysterious - a fungus growing in the back yard.

This is what it was attached to - just a hole in the ground, it looked like. I didn't touch it, just pushed it with my jogger covered foot.

So a really weird looking fungi, and a 20 cent coin would probably just fit inside one of those web looking circles. The whole thing was about 75 - 100 mm across.

So that is the funny sights I've seen the last few days :) It won't be so funny when that Rates bill comes though :(

Happy scrapping !
Deb :)


  1. What an amazing piece of fungi!! I have never seen anything like it.
    Gorgeous sky pics.

  2. I've never seen anything quite like this one either, it's really interesting!

  3. That fungi is an interesting one.
    I do like your sky photos.
