01 June, 2010

New month - new Chill-ing Challenges for JUNE

What a way to make you feel right at home... cold and overcast outside, and new challenges to do, with a complete kit, if you finish them all, called CHILL !!!

Here is a preview ...

What a pretty kit, though ! Look at all those papers !

Come on, open up your Scrapping program, and get scrapping !

Here is my page for the Colour Challenge. We got to download a free kit for this one ;) It's Anne-Marie's birthday, this month, and she likes all things bright, and the colours of the Rainbow, so that's what her kit is called, to use for this challenge :)

And here is my layout for the Scraplift Challenge. One of the sights I saw in the glitzy Crown Casino, in Melbourne, aah, but all that glitters is not gold ;)

See you later with some more of mine :)

Have plenty of fun !!!

Deb. :)

1 comment:

  1. thought I'd come n say hi and see the blinkie in action....HI *wave* Lesley
