23 March, 2010

Day 2 - Singleton to Gosford

Day 2. March 3rd.
 Good morning, everyone :-) Sunrise, an hour earlier, because of daylight saving, and I am feeling it already. LOL It is 6.20am here.
We left Singleton, and drove towards Sydney. We are actually stopping near Gosford, called Kariong, to meet Marg, at 11am. She rang us when we were about an hour away on the Freeway, and was so excited ! We arrived at the motel at 10.30am so I took a look around, and a few photos. This is the view over Gosford from the Motel.

At the Motel I handed over a folder of family history to Marg, and she couldn't wait to find out if there were any skeletons in the cupboards LOL  mmm my lips are sealed ... then it was lunch time, so we followed Marg to the Mt Penang Gardens, and had a lovely lunch. She was still bouncing with excitement LOL We had waited so long for this day, constantly missing each other in our travels, since our paper scrapping days, till Marg designed a couple of pages and put them in the paper scrapping gallery.... well I was hooked, and saw the light and haven't regretted changing to digi, except that I have many boxes of paper scrapping items - some beautiful papers, and elements. They can be scrapped when the power goes off LOL
This is where we had lunch, and toured the Gardens afterwards.
This is how big the Gardens were. My first thought was how this map looked like a brain ! LOL
 Marg and Steve deep in discussion about something to do with plants.

This huge cactus was ready to flower, the next day, and if it had of been sunny, it would have made a glorious display for THIS day.
A beautiful smelling Ginger flower. We had our photos taken in front of this plant.

There were a few of these ponds, just filled with waterlilies of different colours and shapes.
So we looked around the gardens, and journeyed back to the Motel, where Marg had a "mentoring" look at my two scrap albums I brought, to see how her protege was progressing. I'm pleased to say she "approved". :-) So brings the day to a close as we said goodbye to Marg, for now.  Also, after Tea we went to our various amusements - Steve to Pay TV and me - well, the internet was not working on my laptop, so the Motel owner said I could use his, to get my "fix" of N4D LOL He was sitting opposite me when I was looking at the site and watching my face. Probably wondering what was making me smile all the time... let him wonder LOL
  Another day over ... tomorrow we meet another "Nut" and some of her family ....


  1. I love the way you tell the story. I cant wait to read more.

  2. Looking forward to the next instalment :)

  3. Deb... very well written travel log. Some good photos.
